
导读: 英语阅读常考词汇

英语阅读常考词汇?monsoon/mɑːnˈsuːn/n. 季风,雨季文化补充:monsoon 由阿拉伯语中表示“季节”的 mawsim 一词变形而来scorching/ˈskɔːr.tʃɪŋ/adj. 灼热的,极热的相关词汇:scorch(v. 烧焦,烤焦)近义词:burning(adj. 炽热的);blazing(adj. 炽热的)drenching/drentʃɪŋ/n. 湿透相关词汇:drench(v. 使湿透)搭配短语:to get drenched by the heavy rain搭配短语:to get a drenching词性拓展:drenching(adj. 滂沱的)搭配短语:drenching rain(瓢泼大雨)downpour/ˈdaʊn.pɔːr/n. 暴雨,骤雨relief/rɪˈliːf/n. 缓解,宽慰,解脱;救济相关词汇:relieve(v. 缓解)例句:The pill can relieve the pain.搭配短语:tablets for the relief of pain(缓解)例句:I breathed a sigh of relief.(宽慰)例句:“First batch of flood relief aid from China arrives in Pakistan”(中国首批抗洪救灾物资抵达巴基斯坦)meteorological/ˌmiː.t̬i.ɚ.əˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl/adj. 气象的acute/əˈkjuːt/adj. 十分严重的;急性的,剧烈的;敏锐的搭配短语:acute abdominal pains(剧烈的)例句:India's school system faces an acute shortage of teachers.(十分严重的)erratic/ɪˈræt̬.ɪk/adj. 不规律的,不确定的,变化无常的搭配短语:a very erratic playerput together合起来,总计例句:London has more pubs than the rest of the country put together.critically/ˈkrɪt̬.ɪ.kli/adv. 极其地,严重地;危急地英文释义:in a way that is very bad or serious相关词汇:critical(adj. 危急的)例句:The patient is in critical condition.例句:They were both critically injured in the accident.(严重地)例句:Europe has long been critically dependent on gas supplies from Russia.availability/əˌveɪ.ləˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/n. 可用性,可得性相关词汇:available(adj. 可获得的)例句:The widespread availability of guns has contributed to the escalating violence.earmark/ˈɪr.mɑːrk/v. 划拨(款项);指定……做特定用途例句:Five billion dollars of this year's budget is already earmarked for hospital improvements.harvest/ˈhɑːr.vəst/v. 收集;收获搭配短语:to harvest user data例句:Cyber criminals are targeting sites like Netflix and Zoom to harvest users' personal information.replenish/rɪˈplen.ɪʃ/v. 补充;重新装满例句:Does your glass need replenishing?例句:To stop the quick demographic decline, and replenish the workforce, governments are rolling out new policies to encourage families to have more children.prove/pruːv/v. 证明是;证明搭配短语:to prove a point(证明)例句:It proves very difficult.(证明是,相当于 be)sweeping/ˈswiː.pɪŋ/adj. 大范围的,全面的相关词汇:sweep(v. 横扫,席卷;扫地)例句:The tornado swept across the city.搭配短语: sweeping reformsscheme/skiːm/n. 方案,计划搭配短语:a pension scheme搭配短语:a recycling schemehamper/ˈhæm.pɚ/v. 阻碍,妨碍例句:She tried to run to the metro station, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.例句:"China quake toll tops 80 as rain, flash floods hamper rescue efforts"(中国地震死伤人数逾 80 人,降雨和山洪阻碍救援工作)graft/ɡræft/n. 贪污,受贿,以权谋私bicker/ˈbɪk.ɚ/v. 争吵搭配短语:to bicker over sth.(为某事而争吵)例句:They kept bickering over who should wash the dishes.,接下来我们就来聊聊关于英语阅读常考词汇?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!


monsoon/mɑːnˈsuːn/n. 季风,雨季文化补充:monsoon 由阿拉伯语中表示“季节”的 mawsim 一词变形而来。scorching/ˈskɔːr.tʃɪŋ/adj. 灼热的,极热的相关词汇:scorch(v. 烧焦,烤焦)近义词:burning(adj. 炽热的);blazing(adj. 炽热的)drenching/drentʃɪŋ/n. 湿透相关词汇:drench(v. 使湿透)搭配短语:to get drenched by the heavy rain搭配短语:to get a drenching词性拓展:drenching(adj. 滂沱的)搭配短语:drenching rain(瓢泼大雨)downpour/ˈdaʊn.pɔːr/n. 暴雨,骤雨relief/rɪˈliːf/n. 缓解,宽慰,解脱;救济相关词汇:relieve(v. 缓解)例句:The pill can relieve the pain.搭配短语:tablets for the relief of pain(缓解)例句:I breathed a sigh of relief.(宽慰)例句:“First batch of flood relief aid from China arrives in Pakistan”(中国首批抗洪救灾物资抵达巴基斯坦)meteorological/ˌmiː.t̬i.ɚ.əˈlɑː.dʒɪ.kəl/adj. 气象的acute/əˈkjuːt/adj. 十分严重的;急性的,剧烈的;敏锐的搭配短语:acute abdominal pains(剧烈的)例句:India's school system faces an acute shortage of teachers.(十分严重的)erratic/ɪˈræt̬.ɪk/adj. 不规律的,不确定的,变化无常的搭配短语:a very erratic playerput together合起来,总计例句:London has more pubs than the rest of the country put together.critically/ˈkrɪt̬.ɪ.kli/adv. 极其地,严重地;危急地英文释义:in a way that is very bad or serious相关词汇:critical(adj. 危急的)例句:The patient is in critical condition.例句:They were both critically injured in the accident.(严重地)例句:Europe has long been critically dependent on gas supplies from Russia.availability/əˌveɪ.ləˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/n. 可用性,可得性相关词汇:available(adj. 可获得的)例句:The widespread availability of guns has contributed to the escalating violence.earmark/ˈɪr.mɑːrk/v. 划拨(款项);指定……做特定用途例句:Five billion dollars of this year's budget is already earmarked for hospital improvements.harvest/ˈhɑːr.vəst/v. 收集;收获搭配短语:to harvest user data例句:Cyber criminals are targeting sites like Netflix and Zoom to harvest users' personal information.replenish/rɪˈplen.ɪʃ/v. 补充;重新装满例句:Does your glass need replenishing?例句:To stop the quick demographic decline, and replenish the workforce, governments are rolling out new policies to encourage families to have more children.prove/pruːv/v. 证明是;证明搭配短语:to prove a point(证明)例句:It proves very difficult.(证明是,相当于 be)sweeping/ˈswiː.pɪŋ/adj. 大范围的,全面的相关词汇:sweep(v. 横扫,席卷;扫地)例句:The tornado swept across the city.搭配短语: sweeping reformsscheme/skiːm/n. 方案,计划搭配短语:a pension scheme搭配短语:a recycling schemehamper/ˈhæm.pɚ/v. 阻碍,妨碍例句:She tried to run to the metro station, but was hampered by her heavy suitcase.例句:"China quake toll tops 80 as rain, flash floods hamper rescue efforts"(中国地震死伤人数逾 80 人,降雨和山洪阻碍救援工作)graft/ɡræft/n. 贪污,受贿,以权谋私bicker/ˈbɪk.ɚ/v. 争吵搭配短语:to bicker over sth.(为某事而争吵)例句:They kept bickering over who should wash the dishes.





专业英语ppt财务会计?122、adjusting trial balance 调整后试算平衡表123、after-closing trial balance 结转后试算平衡表,今天小编就来聊一聊关于专业英语ppt财务会计?接下来我们就一起去研究一下吧!


122、adjusting trial balance 调整后试算平衡表

123、after-closing trial balance 结转后试算平衡表

124、book value 账面价值(面值)

125、closing entries 结转分录

126、useful life 可使用年限

127、worksheet 工作底稿

128、cash equivalents 现金等价物

129、cash on hand 库存现金

130、deposit in bank accounts 银行存款

131、liquidity 流动性

132、demand deposit accounts 活期存款账户

133、saving accounts 储蓄账户(属于定期存款的一种)

134、money order 汇票

135、cashier’s check 银行本票

136、certified check 保付支票

137、segregation of duties 职责分离

138、disbursement 支出

139、internal control 内部控制

140、bank statement 银行对账单

141、bank vault 银行金库(保险库)

142、bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表

143、deposit in transit 在途存款

144、NSF check(not sufficient fund) 存款余额不足

145、outstanding check 未兑付的支票

146、overdraft 透支

147、petty cash 备用金

148、custodian 保管人

149、voucher 凭单

150、reimburse 补足

151、imprest system 定额备用金制度

152、replenish petty cash 补充备用金

153、time deposits 定期存款

154、demand deposits 活期存款

155、idle cash 闲置现金

156、cash management 现金管理

157、credit sale 赊销

158、on credit 赊账

159、contra asset account 资产备抵账户

160、bad debts 坏账

161、allowance method 备抵法

162、direct write-off method 直接核销法

163、write off 冲销, 核销

164、allowance for doubtful account 坏账准备

165、percent of sales method 销售百分比法

166、accounts receivable method 应收账款法

167、percent of accounts receivable method 应收账款余额百分比法

168、aging of accounts receivable method 应收账款账龄分析法

169、notes receivable 应收票据

170、promissory note 本票

171、maturity date 到期日

172、principal of the note 票据的本金

173、honored Note 到期能如期兑换的票据

174、dishonored Note 到期不能如期兑换的票据

175、factoring fee 贴现的费用

176、maturity date of a note 票据到期日

177、cost of goods sold (COGS) 销售商品的成本

178、perpetual system 永续盘存制

179、periodic system 定期盘存制

180、trade discount 商业折扣

181、purchase discounts 采购折扣

182、credit terms 信用条款

183、credit period 信用期间

184、cash discount 现金折扣

185、purchase returns and allowances 购买退回和折让

186、FOB destination 到岸交货

187、FOB shipping point 离岸交货

188、sales returns and allowances 销售退回和折让

189、goods in transit 运输途中的商品

190、goods on consignment 委托代销商品

191、goods that are damaged or obsolete 损毁和陈旧的商品

192、consignee 受托方

193、consignor 委托方

194、specific identification 个别计价法

195、first-in, first-out (FIFO) 先进先出法

196、last-in, first-out (LIFO) 后进先出法

197、weighted average 加权平均法

198、lower of cost or market (LCM) 成本与市价孰低法

199、current replacement cost 现行替代成本

200、net realizable value 可变现净值



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