
导读: 《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感,150字概括,50字感想 忠犬八公的故事 英文剧情简介,求翻译,急需,谢谢 急求《忠犬八公》的英语简介 求忠犬八公的英文读后感 不要太长,约50-100词就可以了, 用英文介绍电影《忠犬八公的故事》50词8年级水平 忠犬八公这部片的英文简介带中文 100词。很急啊! 急求忠犬八公的故事英文概梗,大约50-80词左右, 《忠犬八公的故事》英文观后感,八年级水平,150字概括,50字感想 本人因作业需求,题材为《忠犬八公》,写一篇以英文为主的简介,50字以内,句子... 忠犬八公简介50字短




忠犬八公的故事 英文剧情简介,求翻译,急需,谢谢

Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".
In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die.


Parke,a university professor,a day when he passed by the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog.Then the professor brought the dog back home,even though his wife was against him.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affected his wife,who was willing to accept the dog as a family member.In the care of Parke 's growing every day,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back in its dream.

求忠犬八公的英文读后感 不要太长,约50-100词就可以了,

To wait fo r your love for a decade,which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi,it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has.This is why the film strikes us a lot.
No one has the ability to show his love to only oneperson during his whole life,let alone make friends with only onepeople;have the food that never changes year by year;do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion.We can’t!However,what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.


Hachi was a lost little dog at the station,but a man named Parker
Wilson(Richard Gere)found him.At home,he cared for him all the time
and learned him a lot things.But after a year,Hacki is a smart dog,he
often walk with Parker to the station because he couldn't be without
Parker.Hachi at the station always waiting for him to finish his job
(he knows when he finish)and come to home with Hachi.But for a moment,
Parker isn't returned anymore,it happened unbelievable about the dog
Hachi after he didn't returned.This movie will show you a strong

忠犬八公这部片的英文简介带中文 100词。很急啊!

The film"loyal dog Hachiko story"adaptation since 1933 occurred in Japan's true story,the film tells the story of a university professor has adopted a Akita dog,named"Hachi".After the day,Hachiko morning will teach at the station in the evening waiting for him to go back together.Unfortunately,Professor illness died,never returned to the station.However,Hachiko after nine years still on time every day at the station waiting until finally died


Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die。不知道是否满意,望采纳。中午如下:


我的心中一直期待有一天八公能明白教授已经 逝去,永不能再出现在火车站门口如潮的人海中,而它这种孤独的等待是一种残忍的坚持,没有尽头,没有结果。我实在不忍去想象它在每个萧瑟的黄昏失落的回到安在废车下的破败蜗居的样子。其实影片的导演也有意识的把人类这样的一种旁观者心态在故事中体现出来:许多年后教授的妻子回到故居,当她惊讶的发现八公还在那棵树下凝望着人来人往的站台时,内心克制多年的悲伤瞬间喷涌而出,一


I believe that most people who have watched the film“Hachiko—A Dog’s Story”were moved by the dog’s loyalty.The dog has waited for his owner for a lifetime and hid loyal behavior has taught us never forget anyone we loved—the meaning of loyalty.We can learn that we should try to get along with each other with true affection and never betray in an intimated relationship so that we can strengthen our relationship and understand each other better.And we should believe that there is still a true affection in the world.
Another thing we can learn from the film is to value what we have.In other words,we should learn to count our fortunes.What we own is always unique and cannot be replaced by others,so we have to value what we have.We should never be regretful until losing.
Finally,we should learn to treat our pets well because they are also our friends and even our family.




几个电影的英语问题 肖申克的救赎:有用表达和句型5句,...

肖申克的救赎:句型:There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret.I look back on the way I was then,a young


忠犬八公的故事 英文剧情简介,求翻译,急需,谢谢

Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".
In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die.


This story represents a very original forces,the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream,then he changed his views and see how to use their money to help others,charity!I hate that mean the original owner,since he has so much money,but not always help others.Although money is very important,to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on,let the world,people happy,they should spend the money to,because it values.Fortunately,the boss wake up later,the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to help a disabled child,for their family and their assistants together after a happy Christmas!


我的心中一直期待有一天八公能明白教授已经逝去,永不能再出现在火车站门口如潮的人海中,而它这种孤独的等待是一种残忍的坚持,没有尽头 ,没有结果。我实在不忍去想象它在每个萧瑟的黄昏失落的回到安在废车下的破败蜗居的样子。其实影片的导演也有意识的把人类这样的一种旁观者心态在故事中体现出来:许多年后教授的妻子回到故居,当她惊讶的发现八公还在那棵树下凝望着人来人往的站台时,内心克制多年的悲伤瞬间喷涌而出,一


To wait for your love for a decade,which contains almost the whole life-time of Hachi,it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has.This is why the film strikes us a lot.No one has the ability to show his love to only oneperson during his whole life,let alone make friends with only onepeople;have the food that never changes year by year;do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion.We can’t!However,what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.


每个人的心底都有一个八公。放在心底,是因为自己做不到,也鲜有别人做到,所以一直以为那种忠诚不过是梦幻天堂里的美丽泡影。然而,当影片中的小狗,痴痴地等待了主人十年而寂寞离去的时候,我们流泪了—原来,这种忠诚是存于世间的。只是,我们都忘记了。忽然想起很多人,很多话,很多誓言,很多约定,仿佛就发生在昨日。思念如同新雨后的蔓藤,在脑海里新鲜茂盛地缠绕。想割断这种缠绕,于是又重新点击播放,伴着淡淡的音乐,看到冬夜里站台旁理查·基尔初遇八公时说的第一句话(其实是主人公对电话里的人说的,但因为是在偶遇八公的时候打的电话,所以又可以视为男主角对着八公说的第一句话):“我爱你,再见”,忽然联想到最后的结局,这才悟到编剧的用意,原来这不是一句简单的台词,而是一句谶语。正因为理查·基尔饰演的老教授突发心脏病去逝,赶不及对老友八公说声“我爱你,再见”,所以八公才会依旧每天坚持跑到车站出站口对面的花坛旁等待。也正因为欠了这句话,所以八公坚信他会来;因为欠了这句话,所以八公等了他十年;因为欠了这句话,所以八公拒绝再有家,拒绝再有旁爱。这是怎样的一份执着?平日经常看到校内分享里有一些非常忧伤的话,有的还配了许多唯美精致的图片,看得多,也就厌倦了。印象中出现频率最高的大概要数摘自纳兰词的一句“人生若只如初见”,我记得后面依稀还有“何事西风悲画扇?等闲变却故人心,却道故人心易变…”可见,人心的易变不仅仅属于我们这个时代,就连古人也时常纠结抱怨身边两条腿的人远没有四条腿的狗忠诚。所以忠诚这个东西,历来就是一种人人尽听闻,但极少有人见证的传说。而八公,这条相貌可亲的秋田犬,无疑就是这样的一个传说。传说总是离现实很遥远,现实中,朋友往往是用来出卖的,情感往往是用来遗忘的,美丽往往是用来摧毁的,忠诚往往是用来背叛的,于是天可怜见的我们,在反复亲历或者旁观这样的悲剧中成为了一个个杯具。初见,惊艳;回首,已经沧海,这是属于大多数人的轮回,心也在这样的轮回中逐渐淬炼得愈发坚硬。所幸,我们还有八公这样的忠犬,静静地守候在 里,悄悄地揉碎我们坚硬的心。【注】十年,人也会许诺,但是许上了,有时或许是十年的伤痛。因此,过完这个十年,再也不想承诺了。等待会渐渐摧毁一个人的心,并且永远都难以恢复。晚上看了《Hachiko:A Dog's Story》(美国版)。之前有看介绍,说是根据真人真事改编的。简要说下我看到的电影的情节。八公是一个...


Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die。不知道是否满意,望采纳。中午如下:


1、I have said that the soul is not than the body。And I said that the body is no than the soul。And nothing,not God is greater than one,than one itself is。我曾说过,躯体与灵魂交融,难以分出孰轻孰重。世上任何事物,即使是上帝,也当众生平等。2、They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you loved.
忠诚的意义在于我们不应该忘记爱过的每一个人3、The distance between life and death,for a dog,it cannot fathom,it only believe,his master will come back.It's life as a water passage,one point one year after year in bluestone station.As a dog,it has its principles,never abandon,regardless of sickness and death.It was lying there,ten years,and a landscape.For life or for death,however separated,to our wives we pledged our word.
生与死的距离,对于一条狗来说,它无法参透,它只相信,他的主人会回来。它的如一注流水,一点一点在车站的青石台上年复一年地流逝。作为一只狗,它有它的原则,不离不弃,不论生老病死。它卧在那里,十年,透彻成一种风景。死生契阔,与子成说。4、Whether it is waiting for the previous owner,or waiting for me,I feel very touched,very happy.“It teaches us the meaning of loyalty-should never forget the people you love.不管它是在等以前主人,还是在等我,我都觉得很感动,很幸福。它教会了我们忠诚的含义—永远不应忘记你爱的人。5、Moved to new leaves to be deciduous,and how many conversion cycle,the only constant is standing waiting figure.Waiting for the silent witness to their most sincere,the most pure love,also deeply touched by people…
感动于新叶变落叶,多少个转换轮回中,唯一不变的是矗立等待的身影。用这无言的守候来见 自己最诚挚,最纯洁的爱,也深深打动着身旁的人们…6、Well,I think it's right to take you home.You stay with me.in a warm house.
呃,我想把你带回家应该没做错吧!你跟我待一块儿…在温暖的房子里…7、I just think you being all over tough about it.Dogs in the fix and dad just try to do the right thing.
我只是觉得你对这件事太苛刻了,狗狗迷路了,爸爸只是尽力做对的事而已。8、I never met my grandfather.He died when I ...


1.Station is sketchily Hachi's home now,Every day he comes in time in place,Every day.车站现在就相当于小八的家,每天它都在同一时间同一地点出现,每天。2.I never met my grandfather,He died when I was just little.But,when I hear about him and Hachi,I feel like I know him,They taught me the meaning of loyalty,and you should never,forget anyone that you loved.我没见过我外公,他在我很小的时候就去世了,可听了他和小八的故事,我感觉我认识他很久了,他们教会了我忠诚的含义,以及我们永远不该,遗忘我们爱的人。3.-Are you going with that dog every day?It's amazing.Every day.你每天都跟那狗一起回家呀?真不可思议,每天都这样。4.You know we love you,Hachi,We want you to stay with us,If you had to go.that's OK,too.小八你知道我们是爱你的,我们希望你能和我们待在一起,但如果你想离开.也没关系。总之,这真的是一部非常感人的影片。文章结束了,大家都有什么想法呢?欢迎大家留言点赞转发啊!


Loyal dog eight male story based on a true story happened in Japan since 1935,1987 into a Japanese movie,starring secondary generation of vector,which was caused a sensation in Japan.In December 2009,the American version of。



There was a Akita dog named Hachiko,near the train station to find it in the 'master'
A chance encounter,destined to the fate of the beginning of a yoke,because the cargo workers do not pay attention,so that the public lost eight on the road,he met with it so,with the play,frolic together,eight public and not will be picking his school to teach the dog how it looks like picking,but it still will not,leaving the original mistress of the public against the eight,and daughter saw him picking the scene eight public education,in the call to another Adoption of the phone,she said"it has been adopted,"and that moment I felt as if I were relieved,the hostess finally agreed.
Conversion lens is Hachiko grow up,he can go to work,it also want to go to the expense of the pit under the fence to climb out,look for him,he had no option but to send it back to eight public and in its Grilled put a hole where the stone,preventing it out,but the time to work,it still jumped out to the site outside waiting for him to go home,and when he came out from the site and see when the full eight surprised the public,After that it agreed with him on eight public work,together with eight public and so with him to work every day,every night the guardian of time waiting for him outside the station,if that was the year after year,when one night,he laughter in the house with the hostess,but do not know why it heard the next day it says nothing to work with him,he had no choice but go first,but soon returned to his eight-place public to bite the ball and catch up,the side of his back while walking outside the site and saw it catch up when the ball dangling,very pleased,and tentatively throw the ball really picked it back,he was very happy,it was picking it first learned,just as his Friends said the Japanese Akita dog is not picking,and if one day it must have learned the reasons for picking;Yes,I think it was no longer afraid of his master's favorite bar,it is so like him....







同名电影 2005
电影海报外文名称 Lassie
更多外文片名:Lassie kehrt zurück.Germany
导演:查理斯·斯特里奇 Charles Sturridge
查理斯·斯特里奇 Charles Sturridge.writer
Eric Knight.novel
彼特·丁拉基 Peter Dinklage.Rowlie
格莱格·费什尔 Gregor Fisher.Mapes
爱德华·福克斯 Edward Fox.Hulton
片长:100 min
MPAA评级:Rated PG for some mild violent content and language.
摄制格式:35 mm
继《极地长征》后,又一真实事件改编而成且感人至极的狗狗电影《2006灵犬莱西》即将上映。《灵犬莱西》是美国作家艾瑞克奈特(Eric Knight)根据当时一只苏格兰牧羊犬的真实故事为蓝本,在1938年发表的童话故事集,成为全世界家喻户晓的儿童读本,1943年翻拍成电影《灵犬莱西》轰动一时、也一举捧红童星伊莉萨白泰勒。 六十年后《2006灵犬莱西》中再次诠释认同世界最会照顾人类的狗狗-牧羊犬,全片真挚感人且赚人热泪。由经典巨作全新翻拍的《2006灵犬莱西》,演员卡司阵容相当坚强,不但有金奖影帝彼得奥图(Peter OToole)的强力护航之外,还有在《猜火车》、《关键报告》演出大受好评且获奥斯卡金奖提名女星-珊曼莎摩顿(Samantha Morton)的参与演出,而饰演莱西小主人-乔的天才小童星强纳森梅森(Jonathan Mason)首次在大银幕独挑大梁的亮丽演出,更是博得导演及所有演员的热烈赞赏!《2006灵犬莱西》电影剧情描述小男孩乔,因为家里经济拮据,迫于无奈必须卖掉最挚爱的牧羊犬-莱西,而莱西总是每天风雨无阻地至校门口接小主人返家,被迫送走后仍不畏艰难地逃离1200公里外的新家,就只为了回到小主人的身边,只因他们是彼此生命中最好的朋友。而小主人也同时因为经历与莱西的分别而坚强成长,变得更加成熟懂事!


1.1.阿甘正传“FORREST GUMP”
主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯
主演:Tom Hanks 汤姆 汉克斯 Meg Ryan 梅格 瑞安
主演:Nicolas Cage 尼科拉斯 凯奇 Tea Leoni 蒂 里奥尼
主演:Julie Andrews 朱丽 安德鲁斯 Anne Hatthaway 安妮 哈德威
主演:Juliet Roberts 朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Richard Gere 理查 基尔
主演:Steve Martin 斯蒂夫 马丁 Diane Keaton 戴安 基顿
主演:Renee Zellweger 雷尼 奇维格 Hugh Grant 休 格兰特
主演:Toby McQuaire 托比 迈奎尔
9蒙娜丽莎的微笑“Mona Lisa’s Smile”
主演:Julia Roberts朱丽叶 罗伯斯 Julia Stiles 朱丽亚 斯蒂尔斯
Kristen Dunst 克里斯滕 等斯特
10甜心先生“Jerry Maguaire”
主演:Tom Cruise 汤姆 克鲁斯 Renee Zelleweger 雷尼 奇维格
11热血强人“Remember the Titans”
主演:Danzel Washington 丹泽尔 华盛顿
12铁血教练“Coach Carter”
主演:Samuel Jackson萨姆尔 杰克逊
13重建人生“Life As a House”
主演:Kevin Cline 凯文 克莱恩 Kristin Scott Thomas 克里斯丁 斯科特 托马斯
Hayden Christensen 海登 克里斯滕森
14.海上钢琴师“The Legend of 1900”
主演:Tim Roth 蒂姆 罗斯
15.大话王“Liar Liar”
主演:Jim Carrie 金 凯利
16.单身插班生“About a Boy”
主演:Hugn Grant 修 格兰特
主演:Jude Law 裘德 洛
18.妙手情真“Patch Adams”
主演:Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯
19.变人“Bicentennial Man”
主演:Robin Williams 罗宾 威廉斯
20.猫屎先生“As good as it gets”
主演:Jack NIckelson 杰克 尼科尔森
Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特
21.完美男人“The Perfect Man”
主演:Hilary Duff 希拉里 荙芙 Chris Noth 克里斯 诺斯
22.婚礼男友“The Wedding Date”
主演:Debra Messing 戴博拉 梅西 Dermot Mulroney 德莫特 麦隆尼
23.男人百分百“What Women Want”
主演:Mel Gibson 梅尔 吉普森 Helen Hunt 海伦 亨特
24.老爸向前冲/冒牌老爸“Big Daddy”
主演:Adam Sandler 亚当 桑德勒


I am very sorry that i didn`t write my blog in time.
I watched Hachiko:A Dog’s Story days ago,eyes filling with te ar.It’s really a fantasticly moving film.The plot went as:A college professor(Richard Gere)took in an abandoned dog and they formed an unbreakable bond.The dog arrived daily at the correct time at the station,to meet his owner.After the professor died while away from home,the dog kept vigil waiting for his master for nearly a decade.
To wait for your love for a decade,which contains almost the whole lifetime of Hachi,it’s an incredible dedication that we human beings never has.This is why the film strikes us a lot.No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life,let alone make friends with only one people;have the food that never changes year by year;do the same damn thing without complaining and conciousness of exhaustion.We can’t!However,what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we once loved.
A detail in the movie catches my eyes.One day when professor was on his way to school,Hachi fetched the tennis ball as he was taught years ago.But during the last several years,he never did like that,because to fetch a ball in this way is not his instinct.Why Hachi did so?He wants to entertain his master for palatable food,for a hug?I’m afraid not.
Research and statistics prove that pets are sensitive in human’s potantial deseases than us do.Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that his master is going to die because of his heart desease.It’s his only way to hold him back.
Hachi has been waiting in the weeds,waiting for his only fellow to walk him home.His hope has been floating in the breeze,carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground.Maybe professor knows,but he could never come back.

忠犬八公的故事 英文剧情简介,求翻译,急需,谢谢

Parke is a university professor,a day he to pass by at the train station,encountered a lost Akita dog,it seems destined for puppies and Professor Parke has some kind of fate,so the professor put the dog back home,even though his wife urged against the.But in the end Parke for the puppy love finally affect the wife,the wife is willing to become a member of the family dog,and named"s".
In the care of Parke 's growing every day at work,Parke will accompany Parke to the train station,the evening in train station waiting for Parke to come back.Unfortunately,Parke suddenly died of a heart attack,but it 's still believe that the master will come back,and so every time in the same place to wait,year after year,regardless of seasons,for ten years,until in a cold winter,a dream of a dream of happiness and the master come back die.
大学教授帕克(理查·基尔饰)在小镇车站上偶遇一只可怜的小秋田犬,它孤苦无依的身影惹起他的怜悯,虽然妻子(琼·艾伦饰)极力反对,并想尽办法要把它送走,但看到丈夫和女儿对它无微不至的由衷喜爱,终于 定让它成为家庭一员,帕克为它取名“八公”。八公陪着帕克全家一起成长,从小狗渐渐变成庞然大物。八公每天准时陪伴帕克上班,傍晚五点准时出现在车站门口迎接帕克下班,这可是他们的约会时光。在小镇...

我想要一篇电影《幸福终点站》和《忠犬八公》的英文观后感 字数100字以内就...

Hachiko:A Dog's Tale"is directed by Lasse Hallstrom(The Cider House Rules),and is based loosely on the real life story of a dog,named Hachiko,who was born in Odate,Japan in 1923.His master,Dr.Eisaburg Ueno,was a professor at the University of Tokyo who died in 1925.Hachiko returned to the Shibuya train station the next day,and every day for the next nine years until he died in 1934.Today,outside the Shibuya train station,where Hachiko waited,is a bronze statue of Hachiko.
In this particular movie we have a similar story,only the dog is in transport to the United States,where he escapes,and ends up in Parker Wilson's(Richard Gere)possession.Parker eventually decides to keep the dog since the owner cannot be found.Hachiko,or Hachi,as he is usually called here,at one point breaks free of his yard,and follows Parker to the train station.Eventually Hachi is allowed to accompany Paker to the train station everyday.But at one point Parker never returns to the train station,since he has died at the university.
The movie then becomes a tale of a loyalty that reaches far into the bonds of memory.Hachiko never realizes that his master has died,and even though he never sees his master again,he never forgets him.What is Hachi's purpose now that his master has died?His purpose seems to be to wait for his master who will never return.It is at once moving and heartrending,as it is a tragedy of sorts,and one that is only resolved once Hachiko also dies.This is a beautifully told tale that makes one think about the things that are important for us to go on living,even after those that we have loved have died.
The Terminal is an excellent comedy/drama that teams Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg together once again.While it not may be their best work together,The Terminal stands far above most of the movies released this year.Viktor Navorski is flying to JFK Airport in New York when his home country,Krakozhia,is overthrown during a military coup.Because of ...

忠犬八公英文影评100字 谢谢

Even as one of the few movies where an animal is the main character,this one is special.It's about a relation between a man and a dog like no other,and gives a new meaning to the phrase"Man's best.


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